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Current statistics:

Days commuted:
Miles commuted:
Apparent commute costs saved: 1
Hidden commute costs saved: 2
CO2 saved: 477.18 pounds 3

[1] – These figures only cover the most obvious costs of driving: gas, parking, and tolls. I drive a 2018 Subaru Crosstrek, and have logged each fill up. My lifetime average MPG is 24.721 and lifetime price per gallon is $3.155. Typical daily commute is a 43 mile round trip, and I average 24.721 MPG. 43/24.721 = 1.739 gallons of fuel a day. 1.739 * 3.155 * number of commuted days = Apparent commute costs saved.

[2] – Calculated at $0.5028/mile. AAA estimates the non-fuel costs of driving — including routine maintenance and repair, insurance, licensing, registration, taxes, and depreciation — at an average of 50.28 cents per mile. (Based on a composite average of nine vehicle categories driving 15,000 miles annually. Source: AAA’s “Your Driving Costs 2019“). $0.5028 * 43 miles * number of commuted days = Hidden commute costs saved.

[3] – Calculated at 34.0844 pounds/day. Typical daily commute is a 43 mile round trip, and I average 24.721 MPG. 43/24.721 = 1.739 gallons of fuel a day. Per the U.S. Energy Information Administration, a gallon of gasoline emits 19.60 pounds of CO2. 1.739 gallons of fuel * 19.6 pounds of CO2 * number of commuted days = CO2 saved.