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Morning Commute – 2020.10.29

Nice easy breezy ride into work today. Fall/Winter gear seems to be working well and keeping me warm all the way into the office.

Had a close call at Harmon and Spencer. Was rolling through the four way stop and had someone in a big Chevy pickup nearly rolled into me. Guy almost completely failed to stop and made me nervous enough to jump on the brakes and start to pull to the left to avoid the hit. Thankfully he woke up enough to stop before actually hitting me. Ugh.

Clear, 49°F, Feels like 48°F, Humidity 28%, Wind 4mph from WNW – by

Total distance: 16.74 mi
Max elevation: 3030 ft
Min elevation: 2020 ft
Total climbing: 346 ft
Total descent: -1274 ft
Average speed: 19.18 mi/h
Total time: 01:03:22

Published inCommuteCycling

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