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Evening Commute – 2021.02.10

Felt surprisingly good tonight. Much much better than last night that is for sure.

So dang warm. I know this may sound like a weird complaint, but when I leave in the mornings it’s in the mid- to upper- 40s. When I leave the office it’s around 70, and the temp drops into the high 50s by the time I get home. Hard to plan what to wear around temperature swings like that. Shouldn’t complain too much though. I’m sure any day I’ll be complaining about riding home with temps 110+.

Tomorrow is the last commute day for the week. Looking forward to it!

Mostly Sunny, 67°F, Feels like 67°F, Humidity 22%, Wind 2mph from ESE – by

Total distance: 16.73 mi
Max elevation: 3450 ft
Min elevation: 2475 ft
Total climbing: 1310 ft
Total descent: -422 ft
Average speed: 15.38 mi/h
Total time: 01:19:05

Published inCommuteCycling

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