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Just make sure you heat up some real food. Not just Eggos.

There are times when I need to listen to the little voice in my head that says, “This would be a good spot to turn back.” and today was one of those times.

I got a marginally later start than I had planned for. That’s what happens when you have the week off and are up later than usual. So instead of being up at 4:00 a.m., or even 4:30, to start getting ready my feet didn’t hit the floor until 5:00. Then had a couple minor prep issues which meant not leaving until just shy of 6:30.

Things were going great for the first 38 or so miles or the corner of Warm Springs and Gibson. It was just before this intersection when that little voice told me, “Hey hit Gibson and start heading home.” But I was still feeling good enough to venture out to Lake Las Vegas and retry this segment with a fully functioning bike so off I went. This is where I went wrong.

By the time I made it out to Lake Las Vegas Pkwy the temps were hovering around 95 and would top out at near 100 when I stopped at Terrazza Park for rest and refills and I was already suffering. Continuing home I made stops at Reunion Trails Park, the Chevron at the corner of Horizon Ridge and Green Valley Pkwy, and finally Anthem Hills Park.

I felt the worst at Reunion Trails Park and had thought of calling and asking the wife to ditch work to come get me. Thankfully I recovered enough to make it to the Chevron for some Gatorade and A/C, the climb up GVP was one of two spots my Garmin recorded a temp of 122°F. Feeling as refreshed as I was going to get, I pushed on to another brief break at Anthem Hills Park before continuing on home and passing another 122°F hot spot near the Hampton Road fire station.

Finally made it home and couldn’t get inside and out of the heat fast enough. Pretty much just threw my bike against the wall, walked inside, and laid down on the floor for a good 15-20 minutes before migrating to the couch where I’ve been since.

Going forward will definitely pay more attention to that little voice telling me to take it easier. Also this has really taught me that any thoughts of commuting home in this level of heat is just foolhardy at best and downright dangerous, if not deadly, at worst.

Clear sky, 80°F, Feels like 69°F, Humidity 17%, Wind 13mph from SSW – by
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by

Total distance: 74.7 mi
Max elevation: 3150 ft
Min elevation: 1514 ft
Total climbing: 3749 ft
Total descent: -3711 ft
Average speed: 17.67 mi/h
Total time: 06:53:39

Published inCycling

One Comment

  1. […] Distance: 667.92 Miles Total Ride Time: 42:16:26 (H:M:S) Longest Ride: 74.42 Miles – ‘Just make sure you heat up some real food. Not just Eggos.‘ Calories Burned: 23,183 Total Elevation Gain: 26,732 ft Average Speed: 15.8 MPH Average […]

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