That was quite a pleasant ride with the cooler temperature. Much more enjoyable than the 100+ days we’ve been experiencing lately. Winds were also much more manageable as well. Wasn’t constantly worrying about getting blown into traffic.
Speaking of traffic almost won the lottery tonight. Was riding down Harmon before McLeod when one of those Mercedes Amazon vans nearly pulled out in front of me. Sad thing is it wasn’t like they did a rolling stop. They were completely stopped well before I got even close. To the point I was expecting them to wait. Then just boom the guy starts rolling. I grab a two handfuls of brake and look for an escape route. Thankfully the driver realized their mistake and hoped back on the brakes. They were nice enough to give an apology wave. Thankfully that was the most excitement from the ride.
Other than the Amazon driver keeping me on my toes, the ride home was pretty chill. The cooler temperatures and the lighter wind was a welcome change. Looks like we’ll have more of the same tomorrow which is promising.
Mostly cloudy-Partly sunny, 85°F-89°F, Feels like 83°F-86°F, Humidity 29%-23%, Wind WNW 9mph-WNW 3mph – by
Max elevation: 3135 ft
Min elevation: 2185 ft
Total climbing: 1257 ft
Total descent: -388 ft
Average speed: 15.49 mi/h
Total time: 01:18:27
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