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Evening Commute – 2021.08.04

Another hot one, but still feeling good. Felt really strong on this ride home and wasn’t too surprised to see I almost beat my previous best. Was surprised to see that my final two laps were the fastest I’ve logged.

Pulled up to the intersection of Sandy Ridge and Horizon Ridge and there was a young man sitting there with his skateboard waiting to cross. We exchanged “Good evenings” and seeing that his board was an electric I jokingly asked, “Wanna race?” We shared a laugh before the light turned green. I started up Sandy Ridge and as I was coming up to Sunridge Heights Pkwy the youngster passed me up. Not one to miss an opportunity, I pulled in behind him and I swear I felt I was getting a pull! Probably the first and only time I can say I got a pull from someone on a skateboard.

Mostly sunny-Mostly sunny, 110°F-111°F, Feels like 104°F-104°F, Humidity 8%-7%, Wind NE 10mph-NNE 3mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -8.8%
Headwind: 44% @ 2.6-7.3mph
Longest Headwind: 20m 12s
Air Speed: 15.1mph
Temp: 105.3-111.5°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 16.69 mi
Max elevation: 2981 ft
Min elevation: 2049 ft
Total climbing: 1229 ft
Total descent: -375 ft
Average speed: 16.54 mi/h
Total time: 01:11:42

Published inCommuteCycling

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