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Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness.

Great ride out this morning with the Lifetime B Group. Having two days off the bike left me raring to go. Good time, nicely organized, and a steady pace.

Afterwards I feel today could have been an A group attempt, but would probably not have enjoyed myself nearly as much as I did. There were certainly points I could have gone a little faster, but there were others were I was getting left behind. On the flats, descents, and smaller climbs I’m good, but on the larger steeper climbs (I’m looking at you Lake Las Vegas Pkwy) it doesn’t take long for me to start to lag. It’s all good though I’ll keep going out and hopefully start getting faster.

Also had a good time hanging out at Mothership enjoying a nitro cold brew and pastry and relaxing before the climb home. Took a slightly different route through Anthem in order to avoid the worst of Eastern and Anthem Pkwy. Was quite enjoyable despite all the climbing.

Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Mostly clear-Mostly sunny, 83°F-96°F, Feels like 78°F-89°F, Humidity 11%-8%, Wind S 4mph-SSE 6mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -9.2%
Headwind: 59% @ 5.7-13.1mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 5m 4s
Air Speed: 18.2mph
Temp: 79.2-92.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 50.72 mi
Max elevation: 2984 ft
Min elevation: 1499 ft
Total climbing: 2602 ft
Total descent: -2646 ft
Average speed: 19.73 mi/h
Total time: 04:50:44

Published inCyclingGreen Valley Lifetime

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