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When’s this turkey going to get basted?

Something a little different to wrap up my week.

Normally the little darling and I carpool and get breakfast on Friday mornings. Since she’s started handling a new case load Fridays have become difficult for her to make. Today I figured I’d take the opportunity to get up extra early, drive down and park the car at Scrambled, ride over to Lifetime, and hit up the Friday ride. Super glad I did.

Had a great time rolling with Mindy Bennett and Chris Fetter serving as the group leads. Both A & B groups stuck together for most of the ride until the long Anthem Pkwy climb when Chris and the other A groupers opened a gap leaving us behind.

Regrouped at Merrimack Valley before flying off towards Reunion. Disadvantage of, most likely, being the heaviest rider out there is I’m usually bringing up the rear on the climbs, but it turns to an advantage on the descents when gravity takes over and you shoot to the front. Makes you feel like a super hero.

Peeled off from the group at Carnegie and Cozy Hill to catch Amargosa Trail back over to my car and snag some breakfast at Scrambled before heading in to work.

Ultimately really enjoyed myself. Was a hard ride, at points, but didn’t get destroyed which is nice. May need to make this ride a part of my weekly routine.

Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Partly cloudy-Partly cloudy, 76°F-76°F, Feels like 73°F-73°F, Humidity 26%-27%, Wind N 2mph-NW 2mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -7.2%
Headwind: 63% @ 4.2-5.7mph
Longest Headwind: 19m 52s
Air Speed: 18.3mph
Temp: 72.6-74.8°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 23.55 mi
Max elevation: 2873 ft
Min elevation: 2162 ft
Total climbing: 1528 ft
Total descent: -1555 ft
Average speed: 20.17 mi/h
Total time: 01:43:20

Published inCyclingGreen Valley Lifetime

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