Beautiful morning for a ride into work. As I was getting ready I was debating arm warmers. Decided to leave them and I’m glad I did. As usual, once I got moving I warmed up pretty quickly and would have been struggling to peel them off.
Hoping the morning weather forecast holds true with the promise of northerly windows up to 25 MPH. Should make for a fun ride home.
Partly sunny-Mostly cloudy, 68°F-70°F, Feels like 65°F-68°F, Humidity 22%-14%, Wind N 6mph-NNE 16mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -10.5%
Headwind: 34% @ 7-13mph
Longest Headwind: 9m 13s
Air Speed: 20mph
Temp: 62.6-63.6°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Total distance: 16.74 mi
Max elevation: 2961 ft
Min elevation: 1961 ft
Total climbing: 380 ft
Total descent: -1297 ft
Average speed: 22.72 mi/h
Total time: 00:56:24
Max elevation: 2961 ft
Min elevation: 1961 ft
Total climbing: 380 ft
Total descent: -1297 ft
Average speed: 22.72 mi/h
Total time: 00:56:24
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