What a beautiful day for a ride out to Lake Mead.
Was texting my boy Mark last night and he invited me to join along with the Adobo Velo kids for a ride out to Red Stone. Having never been I wasn’t going to miss out on the opportunity.
Ride was scheduled to roll out from CraftHaus Brewery in Henderson at 7. Left the house a little over an hour before the start time. Had a nice spin all the way there since I’m blessed with it being downhill nearly the entire way. Unfortunately, that’d also mean getting home would be an all uphill affair.
Ride started out pretty chill. Just turning the cranks. Was enjoying Dave Burns’ company along Lake Mead when I looked back and noticed we were alone. As we started climbing it didn’t take long for Dave to leave me behind so I fell back to the group. Was somewhat startled when they started passing me up just before River Mountain Bike Shop. Used that as a queue to get the lead out and start riding again.
Made a quick stop before the entrance to Lake Mead to regroup before heading into the park. Everyone who had an annual pass got them out and the group was quickly waved through. We regrouped again after the first big climb. When everyone got together and we set off I jumped on Dave’s wheel. Him and I would roll together all the way to the Callville Bay turnoff where we stopped to regroup again.
Once we started rolling again, try as I might I couldn’t keep a hold of Dave’s wheel. Not sure if it was because I was burnt up or had cooled off to much waiting for the regroup. Either way I don’t think it would have mattered as we started doing some serious climbing. Pretty sure he would have left me behind regardless of how well I was feeling, and I was feeling really good.
Rolled into the Restone area ready for a break. Shirley, our rockstar of a SAG driver, rolled in a few minutes later and busted out the goodies. 3 1-gallon bags of watermelon, huge container of water, several bags of ice, and all sorts of other little snacks. Was able to get anything a rider could need before starting the long ride back to town.
Rolling out of Redstone I fell a little behind the lead group of Dave, Jack, Mark and Jeff. With a little extra power and encouragement from Robert, “Go get ’em son!” I was able to bridge up to Jeff’s wheel. Not entirely sure why but at first I was having trouble keeping up. Maybe I was still cold or perhaps the climb, hard to say. Thankfully I was able to make it up and for the most part stick with them.
Before long, Dave started to catch his groove and pulled away leaving the four of us. This was also about the time I started feeling my legs waking up. I pulled around the team and took the lead. I would lead the guys, more or less, almost the entire way back to CraftHaus.
Back at CraftHaus, Robert had arranged to have some pizza delivered to refuel everyone before sending them off. I passed on the pizza knowing I had 15 more miles, mostly up hill, ahead of me and didn’t want to see pepperoni all over the road.
Trip home was a simple affair and was mostly uneventful. Did come across something going on at Anthem Hills Park. The skate park had quite the crowd. Had to crawl through there to avoid taking anyone out.
Had a great time riding with the Adobo Velo kids. Have been enjoying hanging around the house all afternoon relaxing. Looking forward to Sunday off the bike to recover some and hang out with the kiddo.
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by Bandok.com
Clear-Partly sunny, 57°F-76°F, Feels like 61°F-72°F, Humidity 53%-20%, Wind W 3mph-N 7mph – by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -8.1%
Headwind: 28% @ 2.6-12.8mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 31m 5s
Air Speed: 18.3mph
Temp: 53.9-71.1°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3051 ft
Min elevation: 1273 ft
Total climbing: 7163 ft
Total descent: -7177 ft
Average speed: 21.72 mi/h
Total time: 08:17:29
[…] Distance: 342.84 Miles Total Ride Time: 18:51:27 (H:M:S) Longest Ride: 106.24 Miles – ‘I do have my moments. Not many, but I have them. (Adobo Velo)‘ Calories Burned: 13,637 Total Elevation Gain: 18,248 ft Average Speed: 18.2 MPH Average […]