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The way we see it it’s all for the greater good.

Errmerrgerrdd, nothing like a Lifetime ride for a sufferfest.

Was a solid B+/A- ride for me today. Faster than B, but couldn’t keep up with the A team for the duration. Chose not to do the LLV loop and I’m glad that I did. Probably would have been absolutely wrecked once the climb up Gibson started.

Afterward rode over to Mothership with MacKenzie, but was surprised no one else showed up. MacKenzie grabbed a coffee for his lady and we rode back through to just past Anthem Hills Park. He’s new to the area and wasn’t 100% certain on the best way to get to his place without backtracking. Was nice to have some company for at least some of the ride home.

Overall good ride, feeling pretty whooped and ready to relax the rest of the afternoon.

Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Sunny-Partly sunny, 46°F-59°F, Feels like 46°F-60°F, Humidity 27%-18%, Wind WNW 5mph-NNE 9mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -0.4%
Headwind: 42% @ 6.5-25.4mph
Longest Headwind: 31m 13s
Air Speed: 17.7mph
Temp: 43.1-55.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 58.28 mi
Max elevation: 3025 ft
Min elevation: 1423 ft
Total climbing: 3406 ft
Total descent: -3433 ft
Average speed: 19.83 mi/h
Total time: 03:57:28

Published inCyclingGreen Valley Lifetime

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