There is certainly something zen about riding without headphones on a dialed in bike. Forgot my iPod at the office last night so I had to go without this morning. At first I was dreading it but once I got rolling I fell into a zone. Legs were pumping. Wheels were humming. It was awesome.
Ride home was absolutely gorgeous! Rode in with typical summer gear with warmers, neck gaiter, thicker gloves, and wool base layer added. Stowed all that extra great in my backpack for the ride home and it was glorious. Have really missed the warmer temps. Looking forward to more of the same over the next couple days.
I was waiting to turn left onto Warm Springs from Tomiyasu and looking right a woman in her white SUV was talking to me. I pulled out an ear bud to hear what she was saying, and I hear “Hey be safe out there! I’m a cyclist myself.” Told her with a smile that I ride this area every night and will certainly be careful. Was a nice gesture.
Mostly sunny-Partly cloudy, 50°F-70°F, Feels like 51°F-68°F, Humidity 26%-12%, Wind WNW 3mph-NNE 5mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -2.5%
Headwind: 47% @ 5-18.9mph
Longest Headwind: 45m 16s
Air Speed: 17.4mph
Temp: 45.1-66.5°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3089 ft
Min elevation: 2023 ft
Total climbing: 1719 ft
Total descent: -1594 ft
Average speed: 19.89 mi/h
Total time: 11:28:47
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