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Breakfast Commute – 2022.02.11

Another beautiful day for riding. Same clothing as yesterday and it worked out beautifully.

Rolled up to Scrambled like I usually do on Friday mornings. Make myself presentable, store the bike on the patio, and head inside. Today I was greeted by my regular waitress Erin calling over to me, “Elvis hun I have you all setup at that table ready to go. Already got your usual put in.” Over the past 3 weeks I’ve been asking for, and sitting at, a specific booth so I can easily look out the window and have eyes on the bike. I look over at the table and my coffee, water, creamer and sugar are all setup and ready for me. I call back to Erin, “You’re too good to me.” Great way to start the day.

Work day was a slow one pretty typical for a Friday, and the ride home was pretty run of the mill and uneventful. Looking forward to a group ride tomorrow and I think bike maintenance on Sunday.

Sunny-Clear, 50°F-72°F, Feels like 52°F-68°F, Humidity 46%-13%, Wind W 4mph-E 4mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -4.9%
Headwind: 41% @ 3.6-11.5mph
Longest Headwind: 08h 55m 19s
Air Speed: 16.4mph
Temp: 48.8-69.6°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 33.47 mi
Max elevation: 2986 ft
Min elevation: 1938 ft
Total climbing: 1762 ft
Total descent: -1738 ft
Average speed: 18.90 mi/h
Total time: 11:34:55

Published inCommuteCycling

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