Absolutely beautiful day for a ride. Started the ride with the same gear I’ve been commuting in. By the time we hit the first stop at Railroad Pass the arm warmers came off. Before our small group left Crafthaus I had to take off my wool base layer. Really hard to ask for a better day.
Posted on the Adobo Velo event post that I’d be rolling from the 7-Eleven on Bicentennial and Via Inspirada at 7:15 and had one person, Joy, chime in that she’d ride in with me. Then arranged to meet Mark at GVP and Paseo Verde and he brought Ken along. The four of us then just flew to make to to Crafthaus on time. Of course all that effort and we weren’t even the last riders to show up!
Ride out along UPRR was great. I played traffic cop as best I could hitting crossing lights as our group would roll up. I would hit the lights and seeing traffic stop I would yell at the group to roll through. Once the first group rolled through I’d wave traffic through until the next group of rider. Rinse and repeat all the way to Railroad Pass. Wasn’t always able to catch the first group, but for sure caught up the 2nd and 3rd groups. Even had one lady in a SUV holler at me, “Thank you for doing that!” Will say I was pretty proud of myself to catch everyone on the hill down to Goodfellow. Pretty sure they stopped at the last trailhead though.
After a stop at Terrible’s for a break and refueling we were off for an airport loop before heading over to Lake Mead. Was the first time for me to ride Northshore as I’m usually riding the opposite direction on the RMT. Was doing ok keeping up until about Hemenway Valley and the couple climbs did me in and I fell off the lead group.
Eventually came up on Al off on the side of the road working a flat so I stopped to hold his bike while he did a tube swap. Wasn’t too long before the rest of the group caught us up. Once Al got his bike all put back together we were off again.
Still feeling a little gassed I kept up with most of the group, but a few did pull out with more climbing. Eventually we came upon the lead group stopped just across from River Mountain Bike Shop. Apparently someone in their group also had a flat. With everyone back together we pushed on to the Terrible’s at Athens and Lake Mead for our final water and fuel break.
For the last stint back to Crafthaus, we bounced back and forth between taking Warm Springs or working our way over to Galleria. Eventually we decided for Galleria in hopes of avoiding any construction on Warm Springs. Worked out a treat and we made really good time rolling into Crafthaus at almost exactly 11:30 just in time for cupcakes and pizza to celebrate the February birthdays.
After snacking and visiting, our group of four who rode over picked up two more riders to roll out and head home. We chose to head back over to the UPRR and head west this time to work our way back over to Paseo Verde corridor. Sommai was first to peel off and turn south onto Gibson. That was followed by Al a few blocks later at Arroyo Grande. By that time we picked up Gene at Stephanie who just happened to be out riding. The five of us stuck together until Mark turned at the end of Sandy Ridge. Gene and Ken weren’t too much later going up Cadence leaving Joy and I to loop around Anthem. We went out separate ways at Bicentennial.
I really didn’t want to go up Anthem Highlands and eventually Democracy. I decided to just stick with Anthem Pkwy to Somersworth. Looking now I could have easily made the turn onto Solera Moon, but, at the time, I wasn’t sure if it went through and would allow me to get home.
Now for a nice afternoon hanging out at the house and relaxing.
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by Bandok.com
Sunny-Sunny, 53°F-71°F, Feels like 54°F-68°F, Humidity 27%-11%, Wind WSW 3mph-NNE 4mph – by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -1.4%
Headwind: 48% @ 4.2-12.5mph
Longest Headwind: 49m 3s
Air Speed: 17.9mph
Temp: 48.8-67.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3158 ft
Min elevation: 1230 ft
Total climbing: 5438 ft
Total descent: -5420 ft
Average speed: 20.33 mi/h
Total time: 06:59:24
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