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Commute Loop – 2022.02.14

Nothing like a freshly cleaned and lightly tuned bike to make you want to rip your own legs off.

Spent almost all day yesterday doing maintenance and cleaning the bike. It rode so nice today. It’s amazing how much a little TLC can do to improve a ride.

Ride in was cool but nice. Had a real nice motorist along Hampton Road. Rolling along Atchley and Pine Prairie I had a SUV pass me giving me a huge amount of space. When I came up on them waiting to turn left onto Hampton I could see them waving that the road was clear. Unfortunately, I don’t trust anyone so I slowed, made sure it was clear, and then made my left. I was still behind them as we came up on Sun City Anthem. As they started making their right turn they turned out far enough to act a screen to allow me to safely make a right. I made sure to give them several waves as thanks. Was definitely a cool experience considering how much crap us cyclists usually get from drivers.

Thankfully ride home was uneventful. Before I left I did feel a knot developing in my right quad so that was bothering me somewhat for some of the ride. Mostly when I had to get up and out of the saddle.

Wind advisory for tomorrow so I think I’ll be car pooling with the little darling.

Mostly sunny-Mostly cloudy, 44°F-69°F, Feels like 44°F-65°F, Humidity 27%-9%, Wind SW 3mph-SE 6mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -0.5%
Headwind: 61% @ 3-14.3mph
Longest Headwind: 09h 9m 46s
Air Speed: 17.9mph
Temp: 44.7-67.8°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 35.33 mi
Max elevation: 3223 ft
Min elevation: 2031 ft
Total climbing: 1841 ft
Total descent: -1579 ft
Average speed: 19.70 mi/h
Total time: 11:21:38

Published inCommuteCycling

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