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SoM Commute Loop – 2022.03.23

Well that was a fun day.

Ride over to the School of Medicine was good until I made the left onto Mandalay Bay Rd to get to Frank Sinatra. Once onto Frank Sinatra it was just constant stop and go all the way up to Wyoming. Just when you start getting into a rhythm you have to stop for a light. Super annoying on any ride, but even more so when your lugging 8-10 pounds of extra equipment for the day. Thankfully that was the worst of my problems.

All the staff at the school were very accommodating of me and my bike. Was able to store it in a secure location where no one would mess with it. Everyone was also very understanding when I was walking around in athletic shorts, t-shirt, and sneakers versus my normal professional attire. Overall solid day of work and I wrapped up there around 2:30 and set off for the Maryland Pkwy campus.

The ride to my office was a quick 30 minute jaunt which was pretty easy and went without issue. Went much better than last time I did that route when it was easily 100+ degrees.

Back at the office I grabbed something to eat while taking care of a few things before turning around and leaving again. Ride home was also uneventful, but went much better than yesterday. Most of the extra weight was gone which made things much more enjoyable.

T-Minus 51 days until PCBR.
Sunny-Sunny, 55°F-76°F, Feels like 56°F-71°F, Humidity 27%-9%, Wind NW 3mph-NE 3mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -1%
Headwind: 60% @ 3.3-10.3mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 9m 49s
Air Speed: 17.3mph
Temp: 50.7-74°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 44.07 mi
Max elevation: 3128 ft
Min elevation: 2049 ft
Total climbing: 1941 ft
Total descent: -1778 ft
Average speed: 19.25 mi/h
Total time: 11:22:36
Published inCommuteCycling

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