Nice day for a commute. Temps this morning were great, but winds in the afternoon were challenging.
Was at the office just getting started on changing into riding gear when my cell rings. It’s the kiddo, “Hey Dad do you need me to come get you?”
“I don’t think so, why?”, I reply.
“Well it’s raining pretty hard and windy too.”
“That’s weird because it’s bright and sunny here at the office.” I say while pulling up a radar map on Wouldn’t you know it a healthy storm cell had developed just south of the house over Sloan Canyon and was moving north. It didn’t look like it was moving much at all so I tell her, “I checked the radar and I think I’m good.”
She says, “Ok, well if you need me to come get you, you just call.”
“Lexi if I run into any trouble you’ll be the first one to hear from me.” I say. It’s funny I still get touched when the kiddo calls to make sure I’m ok and that she’s there if I need her.
I hang up and continue getting changed. A few minutes later and I’m ready to roll out.
Thankfully the Cycling Gods were looking down on me for the ride home. Didn’t hit a drop of rain and the roads were dry for the entire ride. It seems the storm cell had stayed in the south, barely moved NNW, and then fizzled out. Only thing it had left for me was some head winds and an occasional gust that would cross me. Had a really good one at the corner of Pecos and Windmill. Was strong enough to encourage me to take it easy down the hill immediately after.
Another day of commuting in the books. Looking forward to my Friday commute with my breakfast stop.
Partly cloudy-Mostly cloudy, 84°F-98°F, Feels like 84°F-97°F, Humidity 41%-24%, Wind WNW 3mph-SW 7mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -4.5%
Headwind: 78% @ 3.3-12.1mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 4m 29s
Air Speed: 16mph
Temp: 79.8-93.9°F
Precip: 2% @ 0.03 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2986 ft
Min elevation: 1948 ft
Total climbing: 1480 ft
Total descent: -1570 ft
Average speed: 17.26 mi/h
Total time: 12:01:15
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