I really needed these miles this morning. The past week has been really hectic and nothing helps relieve some of that stress than a nice ride. No Wandrer bonus miles. A ride down to breakfast at Scrambled and then on to work. Kept it simple to avoid thinking much. I’d guess about 70% successful.
Spotted MacKenzie Bass on the sidewalk along Anthem Pkwy before he rolled into the Anthem Country Club neighborhood. Think he was kinda confused and didn’t recognize me at first. Don’t thing the ringing bell helped, if he even heard it. To his defense it didn’t click for me who he was either until I put the orange frame and young pup face together. Only then did yell back at him “MACKENZIE!!”.
Was pleasantly surprised when, while waiting for Scrambled to open, I spotted Jeff Smith rolling up. Had a quick chat with him while he was waiting for a friend to show up for breakfast. I was certainly confused when I saw him roll up. I thought I’d recognized him, but the kit and body didn’t match the bike! He later told me that he was on his “cheap” bike, lol. Just goes to show that we recognize our fellow cyclists by their bikes as much as their faces.
Had a nice relaxing breakfast before rolling out to work. Only a half commute today as UNLV football has a game tonight at 8:00. Plan on the kiddo coming on down the campus, at some point, and we’ll ride the bus to Allegiant for the game. Once it’s over we’ll come back to campus, load up my bike, and cruise home. Awesome way to end this crazy week.
Mostly sunny-Sunny, 76°F-76°F, Feels like 75°F-73°F, Humidity 35%-24%, Wind SW 3mph-WNW 4mph – by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -22%
Headwind: 26% @ 5.3-9.2mph
Longest Headwind: 46m 40s
Air Speed: 18.1mph
Temp: 73.6-77.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2958 ft
Min elevation: 1986 ft
Total climbing: 426 ft
Total descent: -1266 ft
Average speed: 21.55 mi/h
Total time: 02:08:52
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