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Half Commute – 2022.11.07

Would you like to know the sound of true love? If so, then read on.

Late last week the family was hanging out chatting about our plans for this week. Included in this chat was which days I would be riding or car pooling. I started complaining that this week was looking bleak with Monday being my best chance at riding. Then I remembered there was a UNLV basketball game scheduled for Monday night so even that day was shot. Queue the love.

The kiddo, without missing a beat, chimes in, “You know dad you could put the bike rack on Apollo (her car). You can ride in, and then I’ll drive to campus for the game and we can load up your bike after to come home.” I couldn’t believe how incredibly thoughtful this was and was really touched. Sure it isn’t a terrible inconvenience for her, but it’s a sweet gesture none the less.

Decided to keep it simple this morning. Morning news was talking about 10-15 MPH winds out of the south with gusts forecast to be higher this afternoon. Opted for the neighborhood route to avoid wide open spaces near Las Vegas Blvd where the wind could knock me around.

Pecos was gnarly after Pebble with the construction. Thankfully the cars behind me were understanding when I took the only open lane. Normally in a construction zone I’ll try to ride just on the closed side of any cones/barrels but that wasn’t happening today. Too many workers and work sites to worry about dodging. Also don’t think the cars behind me could complain too much considering I got a heck of a pull by a Jeep from before Wigwam all the way to Windmill. Close to 40 MPH at 200 watts? Yes more of that please.

After that the rest of the ride was pretty tame. The tail wind made much of it pretty quick without much work. The Harmon stretch wasn’t nearly as bad as it could have been with regards to the wind. Now for a chill Monday and looking forward to hanging out with the kiddo at the game tonight.

1.09 new miles — From
Clear-Mostly sunny, 61°F-60°F, Feels like 63°F-64°F, Humidity 46%-51%, Wind SSW 8mph-SW 14mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -17.6%
Headwind: 26% @ 12.5-21mph
Longest Headwind: 7m 33s
Air Speed: 18.5mph
Temp: 54.4-55.4°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 18.27 mi
Max elevation: 2963 ft
Min elevation: 1963 ft
Total climbing: 423 ft
Total descent: -1300 ft
Average speed: 22.51 mi/h
Total time: 00:59:05

Published inCommuteCycling

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