The alarm goes off at 5:30. I reach up and hit snooze. I turn on the TV to watch the morning news. It’s another cold morning. I rode a lot yesterday. I should drive down to breakfast. I tell myself, “You’ve never regretted riding after the face.” I sit up. My feet hit the floor. I start to get ready.
Yesterday’s ride combined with today’s cold temperatures certainly tested my discipline, but, again, after the fact I don’t regret the decision to ride. I set out with the goal to have a strictly recovery ride and I succeeded with 96% of the time spent in Zone 1.
The ride down was chilly but fast. I rolled up to Scrambled maybe ten minutes before they opened which allowed me ample time to get the bike and I situated. When that was done I pulled up a bench and enjoyed some tunes while I waited. The wait was worth it and breakfast was awesome as usual. It was nice to sit, relax, and enjoy my breakfast without the pressure of needing to get to work.
After breakfast I wanted to do some Wandrering along the way home. Rode through a few neighborhoods just keeping it slow and easy. Really enjoyed myself. Felt very similar to the ride I had earlier this year on my brief tour. It’s hard to describe. There are no worries, no pressure. So many things run through my mind during other rides. Too much power? Heart rate too high? Spin faster for this climb? Can I hold that wheel? Am I going to hard and dropping people? Am I staying fueled? All those questions fall away and I can keep my head up, eyes forward, and take in my surroundings. Cycling Zen.
6.46 new miles — From
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by
Clear-Sunny, 41°F-52°F, Feels like 41°F-53°F, Humidity 34%-24%, Wind W 2mph-W 2mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 5.4%
Headwind: 39% @ 3.3-7.7mph
Longest Headwind: 8m 46s
Air Speed: 11.6mph
Temp: 40-50.4°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2973 ft
Min elevation: 2221 ft
Total climbing: 1326 ft
Total descent: -1313 ft
Average speed: 13.84 mi/h
Total time: 03:16:31
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