Took a risk and left the house with no cool weather gear on. I was regretting it for the first five minutes of the ride in, but after that I started feeling much better. That’s one of the difficulties of my morning commute being nearly downhill all the way to work. It’s hard to get warm when you don’t really need to put forth much effort.
Was happy to have been joined by Ken Phan for breakfast this morning at Scrambled. Especially considering how late in the week it was when I extended the invitation. Had a great visit for about an hour before we both had to leave for work.
Decided to keep the route simple today. As I explained to the wife last week. When you drive to work you usually have a route you always take. While driving that route you’re almost in a zombie state because you’re so accustomed to repeating that route. The same thing applies to this route on the bike. I can just ride and I don’t really have to think to much about it to get to work safely.
Both ride were nice and the weather was great. As mentioned earlier the initial morning ride was chilly until I just after the Anthem Country Club entrance. After that I was fine and it was even better after breakfast with the sunshine beaming down on me. Ride home was chill and a little less traffic because I left a few minutes later than usual.
Mostly clear-Mostly sunny, 58°F-75°F, Feels like 58°F-76°F, Humidity 20%-12%, Wind NW 4mph-N 3mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -5.4%
Headwind: 19% @ 5.8-16.1mph
Longest Headwind: 08h 33m 39s
Air Speed: 15.9mph
Temp: 51.6-74.1°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2982 ft
Min elevation: 1965 ft
Total climbing: 1596 ft
Total descent: -1649 ft
Average speed: 19.02 mi/h
Total time: 11:59:53
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