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Commute Loop – 2023.05.02

Pop quiz. What do you do when your road bike is in the shop and you have an itch for commuting that desperately needs scratched? If you said bust out the old MTB turned commuter good on ya!

Shadow is at Swanny’s getting a much needed tune up done before my Vancouver > San Diego > Home tour coming up in a few weeks. It’s been 8,500 miles since Shadow’s last spa day so he’s overdue.

Last night I watched the weather forecast and told the wife I think I could ride. She said, “But you don’t have a bike.”. Oh contraire my love.

I aired up the tires last night and they were holding this morning. Paired my computer with my Favero Assioma pedal and Garmin speed sensor. Mounted a headlight to the handle bars and my radar to the saddle bag. Let’s rip!

The ride was such a blast. I’m sure being mostly down hill with a tail wind helped. Ares is a heavy boy at 35 pounds and combined with the 26×2.2 tires is such a stupid smooth ride. I can certainly see the appeal of fat tire bikes.

Ride home was an entirely different story. Had a stiff headwind for a majority of the ride. Stiff winds were out of the south and slapping me in the face nearly the entire time.

It was a slog all the way home, but I did it! I’m such a glutton for punishment I may even try it again on Thursday.

On the last group ride when I found some change in the road I picked it up joking that it was for my new bike fund. Well I found $0.11 today! I’m going to count up everything I’ve found so far and start running a counter at the end of my posts just for the fun of it.

Sunny-Partly sunny, 62°F-76°F, Feels like 63°F-74°F, Humidity 28%-10%, Wind SSE 5mph-SSE 10mph – by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 0.4%
Headwind: 59% @ 11-30.9mph
Longest Headwind: 12h 28m 16s
Air Speed: 16.4mph
Temp: 53.9-74.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 32.96 mi
Max elevation: 2963 ft
Min elevation: 1971 ft
Total climbing: 1530 ft
Total descent: -1581 ft
Total time: 13:25:49

Published inCommuteCycling

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