Another long one today. Feeling a little better than Monday but certainly not 100%. Nice thing is Friday will be a short day with my usual breakfast commute. No extra miles or anything like that.
Feel like the cycling Gods were looking out for me this afternoon. While getting ready to wrap up for the day I get a text from the wife asking if I’m going to be okay to ride home. Confused, I went outside and saw that the skies looked ominous, but the wind wasn’t really anything to worry about. I told her I thought I’d be good and would ride home.
As luck would have it as I got outside and started mounting up drops started hitting the ground. I started thinking the black cat I had watched cross my path on Wilbur on the way in was coming back to haunt me. Thankfully, any measurable rain held off and I made it home having only been spit on here and there. Did get a nice push down Hacienda going east though!
New bike fund: $3.75 (+$0.18)
8.2 new miles — From
Partly sunny-Mostly cloudy, 74°F-90°F, Feels like 72°F-89°F, Humidity 40%-17%, Wind WNW 2mph-WNW 7mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -5.5%
Headwind: 37% @ 3.9-9.2mph
Longest Headwind: 09h 38m 22s
Air Speed: 15.9mph
Temp: 71.5-89.9°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2954 ft
Min elevation: 1703 ft
Total climbing: 2406 ft
Total descent: -2431 ft
Average speed: 18.84 mi/h
Total time: 12:40:42
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