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Ride on 2019.11.10 (River Mountains Loop Trail)

I’ve wanted to attempt the River Mountains Loop Trail for quite some time. Since I took last weekend off I thought I’d go ahead and give it a rip. Things started really well with a large downhill section. Once I started the uphill climb I started struggling. Not sure if there is something wrong with my saddle or overall bike fit but kept having problems with pain or tingling in my right leg. I just couldn’t get comfortable. There were a couple points along US-93 I considered stopping but took a quick break instead and continued on. Got passed by couple other riders which was a little demoralizing, especially when one blew past me like I was standing still on an uphill portion. When I finished I had a nice conversation with another rider which helped brighten my mood. He pointed out the fact that I’m riding a heavier mountain bike and that many of the riders along the trail are professional cyclists doing training runs. River Mountains Loop Trail is definitely one I’d like to do again but only after more exercise.

Total distance: 34.03 mi
Max elevation: 2689 ft
Min elevation: 1219 ft
Total climbing: 3262 ft
Total descent: -3262 ft
Average speed: 14.88 mi/h
Total time: 03:13:30

Published inCycling

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