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Ride on 2019.11.16

Had a rather busy day today. The kiddo has her horseback riding lesson at 8:30. That was followed by brunch. We didn’t get back to the house until 11:30. Lexi got straight into the shower while I bought an extra UNLV football game ticket for today’s game. Picked up Lexi’s boyfriend and rolled out to the game. Had a good time despite the loss. Enjoyed dinner at Chick-fil-A before heading home.

Was coming up with excuses not to ride but forced myself to go anyway. Pretty glad I did. After uploading my track to Strava found I had a couple personal bests for a few segments. Thought I was faster than I was but I’ll take what I can get. Hoping to do another 30+ miles tomorrow afternoon.

Total distance: 14.92 mi
Max elevation: 2263 ft
Min elevation: 1822 ft
Total climbing: 758 ft
Total descent: -758 ft
Average speed: 15.21 mi/h
Total time: 01:07:15

Published inCycling

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