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Commute Loop – 2023.08.29

Another one of those rides that I definitely needed. I skipped this weekend’s group ride to go provide support for my friend Caleb who was racing in the Hoodoo 500.

The Hoodoo 500 is a 500 mile bike race in southwestern Utah. It was absolutely insane. I watched the temperatures get down to the mid-40s and climb to the low 90s. I’m super impressed and proud of him for completing the race. I know there were a few times he considered quitting but we were able to give him a few minutes rest and he continued on. The guy is such a monster.

Nothing really too crazy to report about today’s ride. Everything went well and there weren’t too many crazy drivers out there to contend with. Still feeling tired after the weekend’s festivities. If out boy was out there riding we were awake with him. Sure I got an hour and a half long nap during his 36 hour time, but that isn’t much more than what he got.

I think I’m going to get in a shower and hit the bed early tonight. Have to be up and to work again tomorrow and then class afterwards. Fun times

New bike fund: $25.48 (+$0.06)
349 vehicles @ 9.4 per mile, 2.6 per minute, Speeds: 36.5 mph (avg), 75.2 mph (max) — by
Partly sunny-Sunny, 81°F-106°F, Feels like 80°F-105°F, Humidity 25%-7%, Wind SW 3mph-WSW 8mph — by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 2%
Headwind: 78% @ 4.2-12.3mph
Longest Headwind: 34m 55s
Air Speed: 18.4mph
Temp: 82.1-105.9°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 37.32 mi
Max elevation: 3078 ft
Min elevation: 1959 ft
Total climbing: 1529 ft
Total descent: -1604 ft
Average speed: 20.19 mi/h
Total time: 12:08:21
Published inCommuteCycling

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