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Commute Loop – 2023.11.28

Not quite the way I had thought I would do it, but I’ll take what I can get. Officially crossed over 10,000 miles for the year with this ride. I believe I was on pace to make 12K this year, but a few weeks of “real life” interfered with riding. I’m not sure if I’ll cross 10K next year considering all the extra miles I logged this summer with my west coast tour. Nice to have two nice accomplishments checked off the list.

Woke up this morning kinda tired and lacking motivation to get out of bed. I eventually decided to just relax around the house and make today’s commute a shorter one than usual. Both rides were nice, easy, and uneventful.

Riding along Harmon again reminded me why I try to avoid that road in both directions. Sure it has a bike lane, but it’s absolute garbage. Unfortunately, that is really the only way to campus from the east side of town. Last I checked Wilbur at Tropicana is closed so crossing there is out of the question which rules out Hacienda.

Hitting the sack early in order to hit the gym in the morning feeling refreshed.

New bike fund: $33.26 (+$0.00)
237 vehicles @ 7.1 per mile, 1.9 per minute, Speeds: 33.6 mph (avg), 55.4 mph (max) —
Sunny-Clear, 38°F-57°F, Feels like 40°F-57°F, Humidity 32%-20%, Wind WNW 2mph-NNW 3mph — by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 6.1%
Headwind: 57% @ 3.2-12.8mph
Longest Headwind: 10h 12m 10s
Air Speed: 16.8mph
Temp: 35.1-52.4°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 33.52 mi
Max elevation: 2985 ft
Min elevation: 1948 ft
Total climbing: 1628 ft
Total descent: -1621 ft
Average speed: 19.11 mi/h
Total time: 12:20:15
Published inCommuteCycling

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