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Commute Loop – 2023.12.28

Another wonderful commute and final commute of the year. Once again nothing much to report on.

I was feeling particularly strong today and my heart was much more responsive than on Tuesday. One advantage of riding a regular commuting loop with a target heart rate is that I can easily tell when I’m fatigued. For example, my heart jumped into Z3 in less than a quarter mile into the ride along the climb up Chateau Clermont to Democracy. Comparing that quarter mile to Tuesday, my average heart rate was up 6 BPM despite averaging 4 fewer watts. Not a surprise considering Saturday’s beach ride.

I spent a solid amount of time yesterday working on the cycling year-in-review post that’ll be on my website come Monday. A lot of nostalgia flipping through the nearly 600 pictures from last year, most of which came from the Pacific Coast tour. Left me really wanting to get back out on a tour. No tours planned for 2024, but I am looking forward to some new challenges in the new year.

New bike fund: $36.07 (+$0.25)
327 vehicles @ 8.3 per mile, 2.4 per minute, Speeds: 36.4 mph (avg), 62.5 mph (max) —
Mostly cloudy-Clear, 41°F-56°F, Feels like 43°F-57°F, Humidity 55%-31%, Wind SW 2mph-NW 2mph — by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 2%
Headwind: 27% @ 0.2-7.1mph
Longest Headwind: 17m 57s
Air Speed: 17.5mph
Temp: 38.5-57.3°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 39.38 mi
Max elevation: 3059 ft
Min elevation: 1909 ft
Total climbing: 1624 ft
Total descent: -1641 ft
Average speed: 20.31 mi/h
Total time: 11:35:14
Published inCommuteCycling

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