Invited Jared out to breakfast this morning. I told him “Walk, bike, or drive, it’s all the same to me”, and he opted for bike. As I was rolling to breakfast I spotted another taller rider going up Sandy Ridge and I would have sworn it was Jared on a different bike. I was quite surprised when I rolled up to Scrambled to see Jared already there waiting on me! After the two of us got settled I mentioned the other rider and he informed me that it was MacKenzie! I’ve noticed the pair riding together on Strava and this morning was another ride day for the pair. Funny stuff.
Breakfast was amazing as usual, but felt way too short. Jared had to get home for a work phone call and I needed to get to campus myself. On the way to work I thought about staying with Pecos all the way to Harmon, but opted to go through the neighborhoods to get to McLeod instead.
Took the regular Flamingo to Pecos route home. Got home and was feeling really good. I was thinking, “Oh wow maybe all this gym and riding work is starting to pay some dividends.” Then I turned on the evening news and they were talking about the winds out of the north, or the tailwind that probably pushed me most of the way home. Oh well, it was a fun dream while it lasted.
Hitting the bed early because I have an Adobo Velo ride early in the morning.
New bike fund: $37.30 (+$0.10)
391 vehicles @ 11.2 per mile, 2.9 per minute, Speeds: 33.8 mph (avg), 53.6 mph (max) — by
Mostly cloudy-Clear, 41°F-51°F, Feels like 42°F-52°F, Humidity 54%-32%, Wind WNW 3mph-NNE 4mph — by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 2.7%
Headwind: 36% @ 2.9-13.9mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 32m 17s
Air Speed: 15.4mph
Temp: 36.4-53°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2988 ft
Min elevation: 1906 ft
Total climbing: 1728 ft
Total descent: -1729 ft
Average speed: 18.91 mi/h
Total time: 12:07:45
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