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Breakfast Commute – 2024.01.19

Nice chill ride down to Scrambled this morning for breakfast. I was enjoying the time when I looked up and spotted Jennifer Smith walk in. She didn’t notice me, but it was clear she came in looking for someone. I knew I wanted to go over and mess with her before I left.

When it was about time for me to leave for work I went over. As I approached, Jennifer’s back was to me and the friend she was having breakfast saw me walking up. I place a finger over my mouth for her not to say anything. I then slid down onto the bench next to Jennifer and said, “Excuse me miss, I saw you when you first walked in and I’ve been dying to come talk to you.” This elicited a laugh and we started chit chatting. I’d guess we talked for five or so minutes before I had to get going. Was a pleasant way to end breakfast.

The ride home went well and was uneventful until the corner of Sandy Ridge and Sunridge Heights. As I sat at the light waiting to proceed south I saw two instances of crazy driving. I’m not sure what it is about this intersection that seems to draw in the crazies like a magnet.

The first involved a driver traveling west on Sunridge Heights. The light was starting to cycle from green to red. One car in the left turn lane, turning left onto southbound Sandy Ridge, stopped for the yellow as they should. Unfortunately, that wasn’t satisfactory for the white pickup behind them. That pickup decided to remain in the westbound travel lane and execute the turn from that lane, going around the driver in the left turn lane.

As I was watching this unfold, I heard a crunch sound which sounded like a low speed rear end collision. I look to my right and see a Hyundai that was traveling east on Sunridge Heights half up on the center median/curb executing a u-turn to travel west on Sunridge Heights. I guess they had started their u-turn way too early and drove up over the center median/curb and tore up the front of their car as a result. Then they almost hit the outside curb because Sunridge Heights is so narrow in that area. And that narrowness is why both east and west bound left turn lanes on Sunridge Heights are signed no u-turn.

I won’t go into the two kids on electric motorcycles that went flying by me westbound on Sandy Ridge just after Silvergate Place. The second one had no lights whatsoever. Sketchy.

Great day of commuting today. Today was the first day I’ve felt “normal” since Monday’s century ride. I’ve been carrying around a lot of fatigue riding two centuries in three days combined with trips to the gym and commuting. Recuperated just enough to go ride another century tomorrow!

New bike fund: $38.77 (+$0.00)
389 vehicles @ 11.2 per mile, 3 per minute, Speeds: 35.4 mph (avg), 58.1 mph (max) —
Mostly cloudy-Mostly cloudy, 45°F-57°F, Feels like 47°F-58°F, Humidity 57%-36%, Wind W 1mph-E 2mph — by
myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 5.8%
Headwind: 75% @ 0.8-7.4mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 58m 56s
Air Speed: 17.3mph
Temp: 43.5-55.2°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 34.71 mi
Max elevation: 2965 ft
Min elevation: 1910 ft
Total climbing: 1644 ft
Total descent: -1646 ft
Average speed: 19.64 mi/h
Total time: 12:05:05
Published inCommuteCycling

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