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The internet’s just incredible, innit?

What an absolutely gorgeous day for a ride. The weather was amazing with perfect temperatures and clear skies.

The day started with a chill pre-ride with Joy. I picked her up at Via Firenze and Democracy and I figured we’d do the same route we usually do for anything starting at Pebble Marketplace. By the time we got to Pebble Marketplace we still had maybe 30 minutes until the scheduled start at 7:00 so we continued east to Arroyo Grande before doubling back to Green Valley Pkwy. As we neared PTs we spotted Robert with the B group lined up and getting ready to roll out. Joy and I just missed them.

It didn’t take long for the rest of the group to start showing up. We started talking about how Robert had already left with the B group, and several mentioned that they’d missed Robert’s post about an A and B group and separate start times. Also several people hadn’t loaded up the route on their devices so I made sure to share the details before snapping a couple group shots and rolling out.

I decided to take things easy and play sweeper for the day. I started by having a nice chat with Moose while we rode down Horizon Ridge. We caught our group around Stephanie and then Joy hung out with me as I pulled up the rear. As we started down Gibson I continued to hang back. We did end up hitting a few lights and our group got split up. It didn’t matter as we rounded the corner onto Warm Springs because I was hanging out with Mark Dolginoff until he gapped me and made the light at Lake Mead.

While I sat at the light I fired off a text message to Joy and Caleb telling them not to wait for me at the planned regroup at Lake Mead and Athens. I knew the route and felt plenty comfortable rolling solo. I figured I’d either catch up eventually or just meet them at the end. Took the opportunity to continue my chill pace. I mean what’s the point of riding my legs off when I know there is no way I’m going to catch up?

As I made the turn onto Racetrack, I was surprised to see a rider up the way. I was even more surprised to find is was Moose. We started chatting again as I went by him up Burkholder and he keyed me in to the fact that he was taking it easy as a part of his planned workout.

Moose and I hung together until the Equestrian bathrooms when we caught up to the rest of the group. More surprises with this time running into Robert and the B group. I guess everyone had made a stop to use the restroom.

As the group rolled out, I didn’t stop, I hung back and chatted up Robert for a bit. Always a good conversation between him and I. While we were chatting I AM SNN222 rolled by. Both Robert and I shouted out “Shannon” and I heard her shout out in return. I’m kinda kicking myself now, I should have turned around and rolled with her for a bit. Next time girl!

Crossing over I-11, I spotted a lady on her touring setup coming up the hill. Interestingly, Joy and I had spotted this same woman back on Paseo Verde between Arroyo Grande and Valley Verde. I couldn’t help myself and had to stop and talk to get her story. It seems that she’s traveled all over the country to something like 20+ states. She was on her way home to somewhere in Arizona, but only to Boulder City tonight. I always love stopping and chatting with bikepackers.

Once again well off the back, I continued on and as I approached the ‘bus stop’ the group started rolling on. With so many rolling out at once I was able to get onto the back and hang out with Robert some more. I was having a nice cruise when just after Horizon we cam upon Tom and one other rider fighting with Tom’s dropped chain. While I held the bike Tom managed to get it loose and back on track. What a thing to happen on his birthday.

The remainder of the ride back to PTs was uneventful except for Anthony’s 2nd flat at Gibson and Las Palmas Entrada. When we rolled up Anthony and Jack were just wrapping things up. We all hung together, more or less, until we got to PTs.

There was quite the spread at PTs waiting for us. Tom’s wife had brought in a couple pans full of food for us to chow down on. It was all amazing, especially after a nice ride. I got a chance to hang out and chat with a few folks. It was a really nice time, but soon enough it was time to be rolling on home.

Since Kant had rode over from home I figured we could roll with him for a bit. This would lead to Kant, Caleb, Jennifer, Jack, Joy, and I all rolling together for some post-ride extra credit. I checked in with Kant to see what route he had originally planned and decided we’d just stick with it. I did make one change in that we went up Anthem Highlands instead of continuing out to Via Inspirada via Bicentennial. I wanted to show off the new Democracy extension and its nice smooth asphalt and little to no traffic.

We had a nice time flying down LVB and once we reached Starr, Joy, Kant, and I said our goodbyes to Caleb and Jennifer as they were continuing north. The three of us worked out way through Southern Highlands eventually ending up on Cactus. As we pulled up to the light at Buffalo I made a joke to Kant that he was out there hammering it doing intervals. He really wasn’t, but damn if it isn’t tough being the big guy trying to hold onto a lightweight’s wheel.

Once the light went green I jumped out in front and I don’t know why but all the talk about intervals got me in a hammering mood. I put my head down and started motoring to Fort Apache. As I made the corner, I looked back and Kant was the only one on my wheel. I’m not sure when, but at some point we’d dropped Joy. I can’t blame her she did a century on Thursday and had been hammering it for the first half of the ride.

After a quick regroup, we continued north on Fort Apache. As we approached Serene we said our adieus to Kant and made a left. Our goal was to go to the end of Serene and then make our way back south to Gomer to take it all the way back east to Buffalo. I was dismayed to find that Gomer wasn’t complete for the entire stretch yet! Thankfully there was a easily rideable stretch of gravel we were able to negotiate to continue east.

The two of us had a nice solid ride back to our stomping grounds. We did change things up a little from our usual. We opted for Via Nobila versus Volunteer. Volunteer is getting so chewed up due to big rig traffic and the traffic sucks too. This was a much better choice which addressed both issues. As an added bonus it cuts down on the total time we had to spend on Via Inspirada.

With a great coffee stop behind us we finally set off for home. We said some quick goodbyes at Via Firenze and I continued on solo. Think Joy was pretty much well done at this point. Two centuries in three days with the sufferfest of the morning had certainly caught up to her. My final three miles home was uneventful. Did my best to make a solid interval out of Democracy and succeeded. Solid power numbers from crosswalk to crosswalk which was the goal.

Overall great ride today and certainly enjoying the cooler weather. Had a nice chill afternoon after just hanging about the house doing nothing. Looking forward to hanging with the wife tomorrow morning before tackling errands.

New bike fund: $70.44 (+$0.26)
1.54 new miles — From
455 vehicles @ 4.3 per mile, 1.2 per minute, Speeds: 35.4 mph (avg), 64.4 mph (max) — by
Give your activities the names they deserve. — by
Mostly clear-Sunny, 69°F-89°F, Feels like 67°F-96°F, Humidity 46%-19%, Wind NNE 2mph-NNE
2mph — by Report —
Weather Impact: -1%
Headwind: 54% @ 3-10.3mph
Longest Headwind: 56m 31s
Air Speed: 17.1mph
Temp: 65.5-86.8°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 106.62 mi
Max elevation: 3082 ft
Min elevation: 1749 ft
Total climbing: 4787 ft
Total descent: -4766 ft
Total time: 08:51:52
Published inAdobo VeloCycling

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