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Los Angeles Wheelmen’s 2024 Dead of Winter (DoW) Double Double, Day 2

As I posted on the Adobo Velo Facebook Group Page, “Second verse nearly the same as the first!”

The night before I was nervous about how I would feel in the morning. I’d nearly been sick in the room at the end of the ride because I had been so hot. The combination of going all the way up to the room, back to the lobby, and back to the room because of a demagnetized room key had nearly cooked me. Thankfully a 10 minute session in front of the AC put me back on track. Regardless, I’d told myself as I drifted off to sleep, “Hey man if you’re feeling awful at mile 40 when you get back to the hotel you can always just bail out there.” Surprisingly, my legs felt better than they had ever felt the day after a DC, and thankfully my bail out plan wasn’t necessary.

When I originally signed up for the Double Double I figured I’d be riding the second day solo. Thankfully Roehl from up in Fresno had reached out a few days before confirming he would be riding DoW on Sunday only because he had other obligations on the Saturday. I was thrilled when he mentioned he was looking for someone to ride with!

With only Roehl and I the ride was and wasn’t different from the day before. We each took turns up front, he’d leave me on the climbs, I’d leave him on the descents, but most importantly we’d always come back together. Honestly it worked out great.

We got to run into Boots and Dave both at the hotel at mile 40 and again at Peach Hill Park at mile 66. They had hung around to volunteer on the Sunday ride and with that volunteer both earned their Thousand Mile Club membership. Congrats to both of them on a great 2024 DC season.

The temperatures were so much more manageable today than yesterday. I’d guess the temperatures averaged 5-10 degrees lower. This made a huge difference and I honestly felt great for the entire day. Roehl had a couple struggles here and there considering this was his first big ride since Bass Lake a few months back. By God though I’ve never seen someone bounce back as much as he did after dropping a pair of ibuprofen 14 miles from the end. He had been asking us, Bryce and I, to keep it under 17 MPH up to the point. Once those pills kicked in he was ripping around us to take pulls at over 20 MPH. I even joked that he had been sandbagging us the entire afternoon.

Similarly to yesterday, a great ride. It was great to get hooked up with Bryce after Juanamaria Park. The guy was an absolute beast. Easily the same build as I am, was also doing the double double, and just flat out out powered me on the climbs. Seriously impressive.

New bike fund: $76.62 (+$0.01)
1.13 new miles — From
1086 vehicles @ 5.7 per mile, 1.6 per minute, Speeds: 39.1 mph (avg), 77.8 mph (max) — by
Partly cloudy-Mostly cloudy, 46°F-55°F, Feels like 48°F-56°F, Humidity 63%-90%, Wind NE 2mph-SW 2mph — by Report —
Weather Impact™: 5.4%
Headwind: 62% @ 0.9 – 9.1 mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 11m 28s
Air Speed: 17 mph
Temp: 45.6-61.9 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 190.89 mi
Max elevation: 1608 ft
Min elevation: -12 ft
Total climbing: 7505 ft
Total descent: -7493 ft
Average speed: 18.45 mi/h
Total time: 13:55:35
Published inCyclingDouble CenturyEvents

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