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Outside is my best side

Today as another one of those absolute bangers of a day. While it started cool, it warmed up nicely and by the end of the day the arm and leg warmers had come off. When you add the fact that my legs were feeling amazing, and others were noticing that fact as well, you end up with just a perfect scenario for a great day of riding. Absolutely no complaints considering it’s the weekend before Christmas.

The ride started early with a 5:00 a.m. rendezvous with Boots at Via Firenze and Democracy. It’s funny I caught her doing laps along a stretch of Via Firenze to get some extra miles before we started. I think she’s getting tired of me having a few miles on her throughout the day. She wrapped up her last lap and joined me as we set out for the official start at West Tech Academy on the west side.

Riding over to West Tech we were absolutely flying. We hit most of the lights along the way green, and those that were green the traffic was so light we could safely roll through them. After making the turn onto Sahara we spotted a cyclist heading our direction just ahead. I paged through a few screens on my Garmin and it turns out it was Stuart. Joy asked if it was him, I confirmed and added, “Let’s get him.” As we came up on him he waved back at us which kinda put a damper on catching him off guard. Going by, I called out, “You going to count these pedals?” and rolled on. He jumped onto our wheels and the three of us made our way to the DFH Dunkin’ for a quick bathroom break before catching up with the rest of the gang at West Tech. I had expected it to take us 1:45 to get there and we would have made it with 10 minutes to spare if not for the impromptu stop.

Leaving West Tech I was already warmed up and feeling good from the ride over. I got out in front leading the group over to Lone Mountain. I was doing pretty good until we got to the small climb after Trigono Hills Park. Good ole Dave Burns came around and put in a dig I struggled to match. Then, to add insult to injury, Rick Marine came around. I really need to focus on dropping a few pounds in the new year. Anyway, I was eventually able to stitch things back up and get onto Rick’s wheel.

Bombing down Lone Mountain was a blast. We had to slow for the light at 215, but after that we were in the clear until Fort Apache. Gravity is a cruel mistress having punished me just minutes earlier but now giving of her bounty. I ended up going around David and really pushed it until having to stop at the light at Fort Apache. Nothing better than a sweet gravity assist. Before we knew it we came up to Centennial and I nearly missed the turn because I was kinda spacing out enjoying the ride. If Dave hadn’t said something while we sat at the red light I would have probably gone straight when it turned green.

Arriving at Centennial Subaru, Boots commented, “Are you sure today is the ride? It doesn’t look like a ride is happening today. No one is here.” To that I replied, “Boots, we’re here 30 minutes early!” When planning the pre-ride I’d told Robert I’d expected the ride from West Tech to Centennial Subaru to take 1:15. Our small lead group tackled the distance in 30 minutes! It was crazy. We took the opportunity with the extra time to enjoy Subaru’s hospitality and put their coffee machines to use turning the pre-ride into a pseudo cafe ride!

After our cafe break, we gathered out front and after some brief words set out for the Ghost Bike on Charleston. The route had us sticking to the 215 trail for the duration which was a nice change of pace. The only disadvantage was attempting to keep the full group together due to the road crossings. Each time we would come to a road crossing a third of the group would clear a yield lane while the rest needed to wait. Another complaint is when you would pass a slower rider only for them to come back around you at a crossing. Then you have to try to clear them again. Ugh, frustrating! Anyway, enough ranting back to the ride.

Most everyone rode at a chill pace until we crossed Hualapai. I spotted some Adobo buddies up the way, saw an opening along the left, and made a run for it. I was pleasantly surprised to come up on Boots, Rick, Stuart, and Joe. We chatted for a bit discussing the route and then started rolling. As we approached some of the bigger climbs we got broken up. During those climbs I was putting in solid efforts to really stress myself and drug Boots along for the ride. I enjoy yelling back trying to motivate her to keep up as we’re killing ourselves.

Soon enough we arrived at the Ghost Bike and gathered back up. As we hung out visiting Robert called to share that he was a ways back and for us to go get some bonus climbing miles in before meeting up at the taco truck. After a quick review of Google Maps I had an idea where we would go. I gathered up our small group and we set off. I would end up making a minor boo boo making a turn onto a wrong road, but eventually I got it sorted out.

Ultimately we made our way to a taco truck parked at Sky Vista and Redpoint. About five minutes later Robert and a few others pulled up. We all grabbed a bite to eat and hung out visiting enjoying the meal we all felt we’d earned.

After a while, Boots and Stuart made a run for a neighborhood park for a bathroom break. Shortly thereafter the rest of us decided to call it a ride as well. We made our way to the park to meet up with Boots and Stuart and several took advantage of the bathroom while we were there. Once done we all made our way back to West Tech. At this point, if memory serves correct, we had Robert, Deryck, Boots, Stuart, Kant, and his friend Marlin, and I.

From West Tech, we lost Deryck and Marlin who had driven to the school for the start. The rest of us rolled out. With us going gang busters we said goodbye to Robert and set off. Kant had hung back to have a brief chat with Robert and as I saw him coming up I dropped back so he had a wheel to hold onto. Once he was on I set about to catch up with Boots and Stuart. As we came up on the two of them I just continued on by. We lined up and just started motoring towards Pedal & Pour. Eventually Stuart would peel off around Russell to go home, and as Boots and I pulled into Pedal & Pour, Kant said a quick goodbye before heading home himself. Boots and I held off on coffee and pastries and settled on refilling out water bottles instead. We did visit briefly with a few of the guys who were there hanging out before we set off for home.

Our ride home was uneventful aside from the kiddo on a bike we spotted with his father on Shinnecock Hills Ave. Boots and I were lined up cruising around 25 MPH when we spotted them. I rang my bell and while I didn’t hear what the young boy said I could see him raise his hand up and point. It was easily the highlight of the ride for me. I love it when little kids see us and are just struck in awe at the sight of a group of cyclists flying by.

Boots and I made our typical end of ride stop at the Bicentennial dog bone Starbucks to hang out, enjoy a coffee and pastry, and relax before making the short push home.

As mentioned at the start, today was an absolutely amazing day for a ride. I would be hard pressed to ask for better weather a few days before Christmas.

New bike fund: $78.51 (+$0.33), €0.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱)0.00, ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
1.88 new miles — From
402 vehicles @ 3.7 per mile, 1.0 per minute, Speeds: 35.1 mph (avg), 60.9 mph (max) — by
Give your activities the names they deserve. — by
Mostly cloudy-Sunny, 42°F-64°F, Feels like 44°F-70°F, Humidity 35%-19%, Wind NW 2mph-NE 2mph — by Report —
Weather Impact™: 4.1%
Headwind: 62% @ 3.9 – 9.3 mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 23m 23s
Air Speed: 17.5 mph
Temp: 41.3-62.5 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 108.32 mi
Max elevation: 3558 ft
Min elevation: 2290 ft
Total climbing: 6124 ft
Total descent: -6122 ft
Average speed: 20.07 mi/h
Total time: 09:53:03
Published inAdobo VeloCycling

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