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I know you’re hurting and if I could take the pain away I would give it to your mom and me and you would go shopping.

I seriously considered driving over to the Summerlin Giant location in order to join their 9:00 a.m. ride this morning. I even went so far as to put the bike rack on the truck. A few text messages back and forth with Boots changed all that. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining at all. I would much rather leave from the house and ride locally versus going to all the hassle of loading up, driving to a start, and riding from there. There are just too many things I worry about leaving at home. Leaving from the house I know I have everything I need for the ride.

I’d been texting Moose some in the morning as well and he’d decided to climb Democracy, and, by the time I was leaving the house, he was waiting at the Democracy and Canyon Retreat round-a-bout. I hooked up with him and we flew down the hill to join up with Boots at Via Firenze and Democracy at our impromptu 9:15 rendezvous time.

I’m pretty happy to report that the ride was in fact a very chill recovery ride. The past two days, 80 and 100 miles respectively, have definitely taken their toll on the ole legs and I was certainly feeling it last night and this morning. I had a great time riding and chit chatting with the two of them.

We made a stop at the Bicentennial dog bone Starbucks for some coffee and, right as well pulled up, my phone went off with the wife asking if I was up for some breakfast. With her getting ready to go out of town for a few weeks I obliged her with a yes. I let Moose and Boots know that I was going to have to take a rain check on the coffee stop and ride on home. Boots downed her small coffee and inhaled her pastry and we rode off towards my house.

When we got to Via Firenze, Moose made a left to return home and Boots made the right to join me for a Democracy climb. I did my best to keep my climb chill, but I think I went a little harder than I would have liked at the beginning. However, once we started getting a little further up my power numbers came back down to where I wanted them and I just ground it out. Boots and I would regroup just beyond the round-a-bout. From there I escorted her on a loop through the neighborhood and back to the round-a-bout before watching her peel off to make the descent down Democracy.

Awesome chill recovery ride. Probably a little longer than I should have gone if I were keeping this strictly recovery; however, the power and heart rate numbers are right where you’d like them for recovery. After a quick shower, and a few Advil, I’m out the door with the little darling for an afternoon breakfast.

New bike fund: $80.09 (+$0.25), €0.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱)0.00, ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
115 vehicles @ 3.9 per mile, 0.9 per minute, Speeds: 34.4 mph (avg), 60.0 mph (max) — by
Give your activities the names they deserve. — by
Mostly sunny-Mostly cloudy, 44°F-53°F, Feels like 48°F-59°F, Humidity 40%-27%, Wind W 2mph-NNE 2mph – by Report —
Weather Impact™: 3.5%
Headwind: 49% @ 2.2 – 7.6 mph
Longest Headwind: 18m 56s
Air Speed: 14 mph
Temp: 46.5-51.2 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 29.51 mi
Max elevation: 3087 ft
Min elevation: 2307 ft
Total climbing: 1438 ft
Total descent: -1415 ft
Average speed: 15.97 mi/h
Total time: 02:39:32
Published inCycling

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