I’m not entirely sure what to say about 2024. Reviewing 2023, 2024 pales in comparison because, most notably, there was no Pacific Coast tour. However, at the tail end of 2023 I’d told Robert that 2024 would be “The year of the double” in response to his hounding to join him on a double century.
I didn’t set out to ride ten double centuries this year. The goal was to ride five, three of which would be the California Triple Crown Stage Race rides, and volunteer at one. All in order to earn the right to wear the jerseys representing a California Triple Crown Winner, California Triple Crown Stage Race Finisher, and California Triple Crown Thousand Mile Club Member. I was absolutely thrilled when I finished Best of the Bay accomplishing my double century aspirations for the year, especially after a particularly difficult ride where I’d seriously considered throwing in the towel.
I could have been content to ride out the remainder of the year without riding an additional double century. Thankfully I chose to join in on some which were hailed as the best of the California Triple Crown series. I don’t regret a single mile. I’ve established new and solidified existing friendships along the way. My only regret is not getting involved sooner.
Sitting on eight, the Dead of Winter Double Double lay on the horizon. After Boots, Dave, and Ferdie decided they’d give it a run in order to secure their goals, I decided I’d give the Double Double a try. I figured finishing the year with a nice even ten doubles would be kinda cool. A “Ten Sheet” I called it. Also I wanted to know if I had it in me to ride that much across the two days. Thankfully the AVLV team (Boots, Dave, and Ferdie) helped secure day one while Roehl helped me through day two. It was entirely a team effort. While I can’t say for certain if I could have done it without them, I can say that it would have been less fun.
So, what does 2025 have in store? Who knows?! I only know that I’ve been bitten by the long/ultra distance cycling bug. I’m confident there will be more doubles, but I’ve also registered with Randonneurs USA (RUSA#17615) with the goal of riding some permanents and brevets in 2025. It’s going to take planning to balance riding; with Adobo Velo, double centuries, and randonneuring events. This in addition to making time for my family, my work, and my continuing education. If push comes to shove cycling will, regrettably, be the thing that goes onto the back burner should the need arise.
Rides: 175 (+6)
Centuries: 46 (+14)
Double Centuries: 10 (+10)
Total Distance: 11,441.39 Miles (+438.01)
Total Ride Time: 669:39:16 (H:M:S) (-15:02:41)
Longest Ride: 210.94 Miles – Jim Watrous’ 2024 Hemet Double Century
Calories Burned: 509,907 (+28,829)
Total Elevation Gain: 508,524 ft. (+24,584)
Average Ride: 65.38 Miles
Average Elevation: 2,906 ft.
Average Speed: 17.1 MPH
Average Heart Rate: 134 BPM
Average Cadence: 80 RPM
MyBikeTraffic: 64,727 vehicles @ 5.7 per mile, 1.6 per minute
Commute Days: 88
Miles Saved: 3,124.00 miles
Money Saved: $1,902.60
CO2 Saved: 2,999.43 pounds
New Bike Fund:
New bike fund: $79.84 (+$43.49), €0.52 (+€0.52), ₱10.00 (+₱10.00), ֏10.00 (+֏10.00)

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