I didn’t commute on Wednesday fearing high winds which never materialized. As I sat on campus Wednesday afternoon I was very disappointed to experience decent riding weather.
One thing I constantly struggle with is getting motivated to get on the bike, and this struggle is worse in the winter. It is way too easy to hell with it, snuggling into the warm bed for a few extra minutes before jumping into the truck and driving to work, or in today’s case breakfast. Thankfully I didn’t succumb to warm bed demons and hit the road with Shadow.
After a nice breakfast with Moose, I rolled out for the office. At Pecos and Warm Springs I ran into a co-worker who commutes every day! Surprised to see him I asked if he’d rode on Tuesday and he in fact had. I had to give him mad props for riding anywhere in that wind. He isn’t a roadie and rides on an upright e-bike. I used it as an opportunity to slow roll to the office and enjoy some company on the ride into the office. Interestingly today he was riding to CES for his second day of the conference having done the same earlier in the week. We discussed his routing options and I ultimately convinced him to roll with me to campus and then continue north from there.
Today was a nice chill Friday at the office. The ride home was decent and I was able to keep warm compared to Monday evening. Now it’s time to relax and eat some dinner before hitting the sack early for tomorrow’s Adobo Velo ride.
New bike fund: $80.51 (+$0.05), €0.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱0.00), ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
383 vehicles @ 10.8 per mile, 2.6 per minute, Speeds: 33.9 mph (avg), 58.3 mph (max) — by MyBikeTraffic.com
Sunny-Clear, 38°F-51°F, Feels like 39°F-52°F, Humidity 35%-21%, Wind WNW 4mph-ESE 2mph — by Klimat.app
— myWindsock.com Report —
Weather Impact™: 3.9%
Headwind: 43% @ 0.6 – 25.3 mph
Longest Headwind: 15m 3s
Air Speed: 15 mph
Temp: 35.6-50.5 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2998 ft
Min elevation: 1921 ft
Total climbing: 1728 ft
Total descent: -1687 ft
Average speed: 17.63 mi/h
Total time: 11:46:21
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