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Commute Loop & LVAV Tuesday Night Ride – 2025.02.25

First day I was able to both start and end the ride in shorts! I still had to don arm warmers for the ride to work however.

Today was the second Tuesday using the slightly modified route to and from work and it is working well. The only portion I’m not thrilled about is the left turn from Sunset onto the 215 frontage road. Depending on the timing of traffic and lights, maneuvering across three lanes of traffic can be a harrowing experience. Unfortunately the only other options I can really visualize are to either continue north on Grand Canyon to Russell, which I envision would be busier than Sunset, or Grand Canyon to Peace Way to continue east on Harmon, which won’t be possible until the Peace Way bridge is complete over the 215. For now I’ll keep with the current route and chalk my hesitation to today’s traffic with the hope that things will balance out in the end.

Once more ole David Burns came out swinging and going hard throughout the ride this evening. Things started off relatively calmly, but once he warmed up he really went to task. While I may complain about trying to hang on, I feel it is making me a little stronger each time we go out.

Great day, great rides, great dinner, and great company. No better way to spend a Tuesday.

New bike fund: $87.20 (+$0.30), €1.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱0.00), ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
362 total shifts, 39 front, 323 rear. 87% of the ride in the big ring, 13% in the small ring. Most time spent in 52×21, 22.5% — by
324 vehicles @ 6.3 per mile, 1.9 per minute, Speeds: 33.0 mph (avg), 66.1 mph (max) — by
Mostly sunny-Mostly clear, 54°F-74°F, Feels like 57°F-74°F, Humidity 31%-13%, Wind N 0mph-N 0mph — by Report —
Weather Impact™: -2.9%
Headwind: 48% @ 3.4 – 7.8 mph
Longest Headwind: 37m 30s
Air Speed: 18.9 mph
Temp: 55.1-75.3 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 52.06 mi
Max elevation: 3503 ft
Min elevation: 2025 ft
Total climbing: 2097 ft
Total descent: -2110 ft
Average speed: 21.69 mi/h
Total time: 13:25:10
Published inAdobo VeloCommuteCycling

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