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Subaru and Wandrer Commute Loop – 2025.03.03

The kiddo has been having difficulties with the HVAC blower motor on her car for a few months so it was finally time to get it into the shop to be taken care of. Also arranged for the 120K mile scheduled maintenance while it was in. Honestly, I’m glad that I have the ability to load up Shadow on the rear rack, drive to the dealership, leave the car, ride to work, and then do it all in reverse without a care in the world. It certainly makes getting the work done much more enjoyable. No having to worry about coordinating with anyone to pick me up from the dealership to get to work, or getting an Uber/Lyft.

I decided to add in some Wandrering to and from the office. It’s not every often that I ride in this area so I might as well take advantage. Picked up several roads I was missing in the Arville and Tropicana industrial areas. I believe I just about have it all wrapped up.

During the afternoon ride I was surprised to come across a huge spill of pennies along Raphael Rivera Way (215 frontage) just west of Decatur. With the sun getting low they were all lit up from their reflection. There were so many that it took me five minutes to scoop them all up! Thankfully this section of the frontage doesn’t see much traffic and the shoulder is plenty wide as well. Overall, the penny count was just over $0.70! I think this is the second single largest, by value, spill I’ve ever come across. That new bike is right around the corner, I can feel it!

New bike fund: $88.65 (+$1.17), €1.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱0.00), ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
👏 13.07 new miles — From
261 total shifts, 56 front, 205 rear. 81.5% of the ride in the big ring, 18.5% in the small ring. Most time spent in 52×21, 31.4% — by
219 vehicles @ 7.5 per mile, 1.8 per minute, Speeds: 33.0 mph (avg), 60.9 mph (max) — by
Partly sunny-Mostly cloudy, 46°F-58°F, Feels like 40°F-53°F, Humidity 49%-29%, Wind SSW 9mph-ESE 10mph — by Report —
Weather Impact™: -1%
Headwind: 10% @ 2.4 – 16.1 mph
Longest Headwind: 16m 4s
Air Speed: 4.6 mph
Temp: 58.1-58.3 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —

Total distance: 29.42 mi
Max elevation: 2487 ft
Min elevation: 2003 ft
Total climbing: 906 ft
Total descent: -912 ft
Average speed: 17.40 mi/h
Total time: 10:20:52
Published inCommuteCycling

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