Another commute followed by a spicy Tuesday night Adobo ride.
For the commute portion of today’s ride I decided to start adding in some Wandrer miles like I used to do in the past. It’s funny that when I do this I find all sorts of interesting ways to get to work. For example, Buffalo north of the southern beltway is an absolute dream compared to Durango. The road was much quieter which made it much more enjoyable. Same thing with Tenaya on the return. I’ll keep taking on more and more Wandrer miles going forward.
During the afternoon commute, I had another commuter come up behind me near the intersection of Hacienda and Valley View. We shared a laugh at a Dodge Challenger that was giving the car in front of them some horn because they weren’t making a left turn fast enough for them. He commented on how so many drivers are either too impatient or in too much of a hurry on valley streets and I totally agree. We chatted a little more before the light turned green and I set off.
I did a small sprint up the railroad bump, and just before Arville I grabbed a handful of brakes as a Dodge Ram signaled they were turning right. I hear a voice behind me proclaim, “Yeah I don’t blame you for that one.” and was surprised it was the same rider. I apologized for braking so hard, and he insisted it wasn’t a big deal. We continued west and caught a red light at Decatur.
We started chatting again and when I turned to get a better look at him I was surprised to see he was doing a track stand. This was certainly no casual commuter. I complimented him on his track stand and we then continued to ride together and chat as we continued west until I left Hacienda at Tenaya. During that time I was surprised to learn that Bryan is a math instructor with the Graduate College at UNLV and commutes regularly to and from Summerlin. His route took him west to Durango before going north to Twain. It was cool to share a few miles with a stranger with so many things in common.
The Adobo ride out of PTs was great albeit a little chilly at times. Each time we stopped I almost immediately started getting cold. I was in summer bibs, wool baselayer, summer jersey, and arm warmers. The biggest issue was I was already pretty sweaty, especially my back, after the commute. Then the added effort to keep on Dave’s wheel made me even sweatier. The regroup stop at Sagemont had me pretty chilled, but the wait at the intersection of Kindle Corner and DFH was the worst as we waited for the rest of the group as they fixed Ferdie’s flat. Thankfully once we were back underway I warmed back up quickly.
Overall a solid day of riding despite the cooler temperatures. While not quite as warm as I would like it, I know it’s only a matter of time before I’ll be complaining about how hot it is. Until then I’ll do my best to be happy with whatever Mother Nature brings.
New bike fund: $89.02 (+$0.18), €1.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱0.00), ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
6.84 new miles — From
423 total shifts, 39 front, 384 rear. 83.8% of the ride in the big ring, 16.2% in the small ring. Most time spent in 52×21, 18.3% — by
330 vehicles @ 6.1 per mile, 1.8 per minute, Speeds: 32.8 mph (avg), 62.3 mph (max) — by
Cloudy-Mostly cloudy, 56°F-56°F, Feels like 59°F-51°F, Humidity 26%-45%, Wind N 0mph-SSE 9mph — by
— Report —
Weather Impact™: 1.8%
Headwind: 84% @ 7.6 – 21.3 mph
Longest Headwind: 10h 18m 48s
Air Speed: 5.3 mph
Temp: 55 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3560 ft
Min elevation: 2026 ft
Total climbing: 2190 ft
Total descent: -2181 ft
Average speed: 21.45 mi/h
Total time: 13:33:36
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