Today was certainly one of those days where I’m really glad I rode despite initial hesitation.
I was a little slow getting out the door this morning because I couldn’t decide what to wear. I was seeing temperatures between high 30s near the house to mid 40s down near work. As I was getting ready while watching the morning news I debated between full winter tights versus summer shorts with leg warmers. Ultimately I went with the former and I’m glad I did. It was pretty chilly this morning and I suspect if I’d gone with the lighter clothes I would have been cold both on the way in and on the way home.
Had a great breakfast with Kant and Moose at Scrambled. Kant was out enjoying his RDO with a century ride and had hit me up last night asking about breakfast. Always enjoy having friends at breakfast on Friday mornings. Helps to kick start the weekend.
The work day was decent, but a late day set back and aggravation kinda killed my, up to that point, good day. The last hour at the office I was feeling pretty crappy, Thankfully nothing really picks me up more than trying to murder myself on the bike. After a quick ride down Flamingo and turn onto Pecos I put the hammer down to get the blood pumping. By the time I made it to Tropicana most of the day’s worries had faded to a distant memory. If not for my evening ride I would have continued to ruminate in the day’s frustrations during the entire drive home and ultimately the remainder of the evening before I finally hit the sack.
It isn’t uncommon for people to think I’m crazy for commuting to work and riding so much over the weekends. I simply reply that it’s for my mental health, but when I’m asked to elaborate I struggle to explain. The way the afternoon played out is a perfect example of why I love riding and commuting and how it helps with my state of mind.
New bike fund: $89.05 (+$0.03), €1.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱0.00), ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
400 total shifts, 38 front, 362 rear. 67.6% of the ride in the big ring, 32.4% in the small ring. Most time spent in 52×24, 15.4% — by
326 vehicles @ 9.1 per mile, 2.4 per minute, Speeds: 33.5 mph (avg), 56.8 mph (max) — by
Cloudy-Cloudy, 42°F-48°F, Feels like 43°F-42°F, Humidity 51%-59%, Wind SE 4mph-S 11mph — by
— Report —
Weather Impact™: 7.4%
Headwind: 61% @ 9 – 21.9 mph
Longest Headwind: 34m 2s
Air Speed: 18 mph
Temp: 38.9-49.5 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2965 ft
Min elevation: 1910 ft
Total climbing: 1775 ft
Total descent: -1791 ft
Average speed: 19.52 mi/h
Total time: 11:57:27
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