A rare Wednesday commute which can be attributed to Spring Break. With gnarly winds on Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday being the first nice day of the week, I figured I’d better quit making excuses not to ride and get out on the bike. I was pleasantly surprised to hook up with Moose at St Rose Pkwy and Coronado Center on the way home. We chatted the entire way to the house. Good times.
New bike fund: $89.68 (+$0.53), €1.52 (+€0.00), ₱10.00 (+₱0.00), ֏10.00 (+֏0.00)
308 total shifts, 23 front, 285 rear. 65.7% of the ride in the big ring, 34.3% in the small ring. Most time spent in 52×17, 13.6% — by di2stats.com
344 vehicles @ 8.6 per mile, 2.2 per minute, Speeds: 37.2 mph (avg), 61.4 mph (max) — by MyBikeTraffic.com
Sunny-Partly sunny, 46°F-62°F, Feels like 45°F-65°F, Humidity 27%-10%, Wind N 4mph-NE 2mph — by Klimat.app
— myWindsock.com Report —
Weather Impact™: 6.5%
Headwind: 10% @ 1.1 – 5.6 mph
Longest Headwind: 01h 1m 15s
Air Speed: 4.5 mph
Temp: 59.7 °F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3059 ft
Min elevation: 1914 ft
Total climbing: 1768 ft
Total descent: -1778 ft
Average speed: 20.06 mi/h
Total time: 11:52:59
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