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You’re going to take out the demigorgon with a slingshot?

Wow, just wow. Felt really good this afternoon. Was excited to go out for a ride in the afternoon without having to deal with oppressive heat. Had to make the most of it.

Kinda made a single boo boo on my route. I mean to take LVB all the way to Warm Springs, but took Windmill instead. I ALWAYS get those two mixed up for some reason. Realized my error at Bermuda so I took a left to make up for it.

I’d planned on sticking with the 215 trail all the way to Acacia Park and then hook up with UPRR, but then I started running short on water. I decided to take Cactus Wren Trail over to SIenna Heights Trailhead to grab a refill. After that I decided to just stick with Paseo Verde instead of returning to the 215 trail.

From that point on everything was very familiar with a ride a few weeks back. Everything felt really good, but could have done without the wind.

Clear, 86°F, Feels like 86°F, Humidity 10%, Wind 11mph from S – by
Give your activities the names they deserve. – by

Total distance: 70.27 mi
Max elevation: 3124 ft
Min elevation: 1974 ft
Total climbing: 4528 ft
Total descent: -4526 ft
Average speed: 18.13 mi/h
Total time: 04:57:10

Published inCycling

One Comment

  1. […] Distance: 747.96 Miles Total Ride Time: 54:00:12 (H:M:S) Longest Ride: 70.27 Miles – ‘You’re going to take out the demigorgon with a slingshot?‘ Calories Burned: 32,858 Total Elevation Gain: 33,376 ft Average Speed: 13.9 MPH Average […]

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