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Morning Commute – 2020.10.28

Another chilly morning ride. Was pretty quick even though I felt I was taking it easy.

Been kinda bummed that I haven’t seen the regulars out and about. There are a few folks who I’m accustomed to seeing along the way, and almost always at the same spot. Shouldn’t be a surprise with the colder temperatures. Was happy to see one of them this morning, but still missing the others.

Clear, 46°F, Feels like 44°F, Humidity 29%, Wind 4mph from WNW – by

Total distance: 16.73 mi
Max elevation: 2941 ft
Min elevation: 1921 ft
Total climbing: 364 ft
Total descent: -1293 ft
Average speed: 19.53 mi/h
Total time: 01:00:31

Published inCommuteCycling

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