Pretty chilly one to start the week. Thankfully all my gear really came through and I was able to stay warm for most of the ride. Did have to make a quick stop to put on my arm warmers. I’d left the house hoping I wouldn’t need them, but the quick spin down Jada Drive made me reconsider.
Yesterday’s recovery ride didn’t happen as I’d hoped. Instead I dedicated the afternoon to bike maintenance. Both bikes needed washed and lubed. Also took the opportunity to mount up the new Tailfin rack on the Domane, but I’m not 100% sold on the idea of using it for my commute. Sure riding the lighter bike would be nice, but I feel I’m losing cargo space with the Tailfin bag, not found of the new through axle protruding out so much, adding extra miles, wear and tear on the ‘nicer’ bike. After the clean and lube, I told the wife I’d commute this week on the 6000 and then decide if I’m keeping the Tailfin or not. If today was any indicator, I’m probably sending it back.
This morning’s ride was slower than average, but I’m still recovering from the hard ride on Saturday. Still have soreness throughout my quads from that one. Now for an easy desk day with lots of writing to do.
Sunny, 40°F, Feels like 34°F, Humidity 32%, Wind 5mph from WNW – by
Max elevation: 3031 ft
Min elevation: 2003 ft
Total climbing: 371 ft
Total descent: -1307 ft
Average speed: 18.50 mi/h
Total time: 01:08:13
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