Another nice evening ride home. Got home and was busy with household things. Then sat down to watch the UNLV basketball game with the kiddo. Long way of saying I didn’t get time to hop online and update the details on this ride other than the title, bike, and tagging it as a commute.
Overall, felt about average and the times show it. Right leg is still giving me fits from the hard ride on Saturday and still fighting the new bibs. Very minor complaints all things considered.
Clear, 59°F, Feels like 59°F, Humidity 19%, Wind 7mph from ESE – by
Total distance: 16.74 mi
Max elevation: 3205 ft
Min elevation: 2222 ft
Total climbing: 1279 ft
Total descent: -380 ft
Average speed: 13.62 mi/h
Total time: 01:28:02
Max elevation: 3205 ft
Min elevation: 2222 ft
Total climbing: 1279 ft
Total descent: -380 ft
Average speed: 13.62 mi/h
Total time: 01:28:02
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