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Evening Commute – 2020.12.09

Another nice ride home tonight. All that extra effort earlier in the week is starting to catch up to me. I started out feeling strong and fast enough, but once I got onto Pecos and started climbing everything started feeling heavier and heavier. At one point thought I had a brake dragging I was feeling so slow. Not to worry as tomorrow is most likely my last day commuting for a few weeks as #WFH kicks in until the new year.

Mostly Cloudy, 60°F, Feels like 60°F, Humidity 13%, Wind 5mph from WSW – by

Total distance: 16.72 mi
Max elevation: 3215 ft
Min elevation: 2226 ft
Total climbing: 1332 ft
Total descent: -424 ft
Average speed: 15.25 mi/h
Total time: 01:15:52

Published inCommuteCycling

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