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Morning Commute – 2021.01.11

Almost forgot how cold it got early in the morning. Thankfully it didn’t take long to get the blood and sweat flowing. All the new winter gear I picked up worked perfectly together. Kept me warm enough once I started working, but cool when I had to stop for lights.

Felt amazing back on the bike. Guess that’s what happens when you take two weeks off interrupted by a single ride. Nailed my fastest time to work besting my previous record by 1:30 with a 20.2 MPH average speed. Hopefully have enough in the legs to get me home!

Clear, 37°F, Feels like 37°F, Humidity 46%, Wind 3mph from NW – by

Total distance: 16.75 mi
Max elevation: 3030 ft
Min elevation: 1980 ft
Total climbing: 407 ft
Total descent: -1367 ft
Average speed: 22.25 mi/h
Total time: 00:54:57

Published inCommuteCycling

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