Pop quiz time. You are all kitted up and ready to hit the road. Out to the garage you go to find you have a flat tire do you….
A – Turn right back around, go inside, and call the ride leader or boss (if commuting), “Hey John I had some bad sushi last night and I’m not going to make it……Well yeah normally I don’t like sushi but decided to try it last night……I know, trying sushi the night before a big ride probably wasn’t the best idea.”
B – Head back inside, get into street clothes, and drive to work (if commuting) or drive sag for the ride. “Hey John figured I’d come sag since I had a flat……I know it’s only 20 miles but you can never be too safe.”
Should be obvious which option I went with this morning. I could have easily put on some work clothes and drove in, but I know I’ll have a better day at the office if I fix it and ride in.
Fixing the flat took me about 30 minutes. I swapped in a new tube and patched the old one. One of the smallest punctures I’ve seen in a tube in a long time. Because I usually leave so early I was only 15 minutes late.
Ride in went really well considering how much later I was. The traffic in Vegas is so time sensitive. Leaving 5-10 minutes earlier or later than usual can lead to a completely different commuting experience. Got lucky today and things went smoothly.
Mostly sunny-Mostly sunny, 77°F-79°F, Feels like 72°F-74°F, Humidity 15%-14%, Wind WSW 3mph-N 0mph – by Klimat.app
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: -19.2%
Headwind: 29% @ 4.1-5.2mph
Longest Headwind: 7m 29s
Air Speed: 20.3mph
Temp: 79.8-84°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3000 ft
Min elevation: 2035 ft
Total climbing: 381 ft
Total descent: -1264 ft
Average speed: 23.46 mi/h
Total time: 00:55:11
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