Finally back in the saddle commuting to work. Had to take a couple days off due to chores that require a car like picking up the daughter from school to go to the UNLV basketball game, or taking the daughter to a doctor’s appointment. Family and kids infringing on my ride time!
Felt cool enough to give my new long sleeve jersey a try and it worked out great. Just warm enough to get me down out of the highlands, but cool enough to not leave me drenched when I rolled into the office. Looking at the forecast it may be just a hair on the warm side for the ride home, but I’ll pack the extra base layer in hopes of keeping cooler.
Sunny-Sunny, 56°F-55°F, Feels like 57°F-56°F, Humidity 35%-31%, Wind NNE 3mph-N 0mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 5.1%
Headwind: 95% @ 4.3-9.9mph
Longest Headwind: 54m 12s
Air Speed: 20.6mph
Temp: 50.4-53.9°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 2961 ft
Min elevation: 1930 ft
Total climbing: 380 ft
Total descent: -1325 ft
Average speed: 21.96 mi/h
Total time: 00:57:12
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