One of the things I enjoy about my commutes are the regulars. The people I see almost every day around the same spot at the same time. I like saying “Good morning/evening” to most everyone I pass while riding, and the regulars make that a little more rewarding.
One of my latest favorite regulars is the bus stop girl. First spotted her last week and spotted her again today. Both times I spotted her waiting at the stop on LVB between the 215 and Sunset. She stands out as she’s wearing noise cancelling headphones and is just dancing and jamming to her own life soundtrack. Last time I spotted her I bounced my head up and down a little more and she pointed at me and sprouted a big smile. Today I did my best Saturday Night Fever dance and got an even bigger smile! Absolutely made my day.
Sunny-Clear, 35°F-47°F, Feels like 35°F-47°F, Humidity 45%-20%, Wind NW 3mph-E 4mph – by
— myWindsock Report —
Weather Impact: 3.3%
Headwind: 82% @ 2.9-8.7mph
Longest Headwind: 44m 34s
Air Speed: 17.7mph
Temp: 28.3-48.7°F
Precip: 0% @ 0 Inch/hr
— END —
Max elevation: 3026 ft
Min elevation: 1967 ft
Total climbing: 1776 ft
Total descent: -1713 ft
Average speed: 19.11 mi/h
Total time: 11:23:03
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